Cloud vs. Onsite Backup and Recovery

Cloud vs onsite backup

Cloud vs. Onsite Backup and Recovery

Data storage is a new hot topic for those in the information technology field. Both onsite and cloud based backup and recovery solutions each offer unique pros and cons. Onsite storage is becoming more outdated as wireless storage in the cloud becomes more accessible; however, every business is different and what is optimal for one business might not be the right solution for another business. Before making this important decision, we recommend doing a bit or research to learn how each may affect your business.

So, what’s the difference between the two forms of storage? Why is one more convenient than the other and one more secure than the other? Let’s take a closer look.


What’s Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage is the new digital age of data storage. The “cloud” is offsite storage that can be used for both personal and business requirements. Though the cloud is believed to be some fictional filing cabinet in the sky, it’s actually a collection of servers being managed by a hosting company.

The servers can be stored up to a “yottabyte,” which is way more data than one person or business will ever need. Cloud storage is for those who operate in high amounts of information storage and transfers.


What are the Benefits of Cloud Storage?

There are many benefits to cloud storage. Chief among them is the accessibility to your data from anywhere. With the proper login information, you can access everything you have ever uploaded. In addition, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you have a safety net should you accidentally delete items from your phone or computer. This safety net is called disaster recovery. Disaster recovery prevents temporary mistakes from turning into permanent problems.

There’s even a cost-efficiency benefit to cloud storage. You don’t have to worry about purchasing extra servers. Hosting services give discounts when you order for more storage space. Having a set username and password will save you a lot of headaches.


What are the Disadvantages of Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage comes with some disadvantages as well. The most obvious drawback is that you need the internet to access it. Requiring an internet connection may create an issue of having full control over your information. One of the biggest issues is transferring data from one database to the other. When using cloud storage, you may accumulate so much data that it takes an exponential amount of time to properly move it from one location to another.


What is Onsite Storage?

Onsite storage is any system that you have within your reach to store data on your own. Hard drives, computers, cell phones and servers are all forms of onsite storage. Older forms include CDs, DVDs and zip drives. Onsite storage is for personal or business use to keep information in-house.


What are the Benefits of Onsite Storage?

Instead of third parties controlling your information or needing extra passwords to maintain your data, you will have immediate access to your information. On top of whatever security measures you set up, you can open, close and transfer your information whenever you want. Using an onsite storage device, you’re also able to transfer your data to another storage device with relative ease. No need to rely on memory for password retrieval, as you’ll be solely in charge of your information.


What are the Disadvantages of Onsite Storage?

A disadvantage of onsite storage is the full-time maintenance component. A dedicated person or team will have to be responsible for organizing every folder and network created on your servers. There’s also no backup or recovery protocol. If a crash occurs, everything will have to be replaced manually. Long hours of operation without a break can cause bigger problems with servers and computers. Upload information as efficiently as possible. Otherwise, your servers will burn themselves out over time, potentially leading to corruption on the files you are recovering.


Why do You Need Storage?

Whether it’s the cloud or onsite, systems crash. Having a proper backup and recovery plan can prevent a lot of headaches. The way you set up data recovery is crucial. The combination of both onsite and cloud may be the most beneficial if operated correctly. Consider having a backup plan that you keep onsite for emergency situations. And, create a schedule for your more sensitive information to be constantly backed up in the cloud.

When you have large files, folders or networks, upload them to your cloud storage. In case of emergencies, you will have all your larger files saved to restore. You will also have your most important information with you to restore without having to contact third parties.

For more information on data storage and what’s best for you, call us for a consultation.


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